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Food Services

  • Elementary Breakfast: $1.50
  • Elementary Lunch: $2.85
  • Middle & High School Breakfast: $1.75
  • Middle School Lunch: $2.90
  • High School Lunch: $2.95
  • Adult Breakfast: $2.60
  • Adult Lunch: $4.80

Jessica Murray - Food Service Coordinator

Our mission is to provide healthy meals so all students can do their best.
  • School Meals

All school meals meet federal nutrition standards set by the USDA.

  • À la carte

All à la carte foods must meet Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.

  • Access to Drinking Water

Drinking water is available to students at no cost during breakfast and lunch periods in the cafeteria.

  • Vending Machines

Food and drinks sold to students in vending machines must meet Smart Snacks by school nutrition standards.

  • In-School Fundraisers

All foods sold as fundraisers during the school day must meet Smart Snacks by school nutrition standards.

  • Class Awards, Events & Celebrations

Schools and parents work together to ensure that celebrations, events, and rewards support health.

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